DBCC’s Commitment to Racial Justice:
DBCC believes that Early Educators have a unique role when it comes to racial justice in our society. Since DBCC opened its doors in 1983, children have come to our centers to play and learn in diverse communities with an intentional focus on an anti-bias curriculum. This intentional community inspires children and families to develop empathy and a deep-seated understanding that although people and families may vary in appearance and lifestyle, we share a common humanity. DBCC is dedicated to learning, leading, and listening in order to support Baltimore’s families both now and in the future.
We will not be silent; we will continue to stand for racial justice. Please join us in solidarity with people of color across the earth. Together, we are strong and together we can make a difference.
With our families, we hold a vision of a world where ALL children, especially children of color, develop to their fullest potential.
We commit to working daily with children, with families, and with each other to end racism.
DBCC will continue its important work in the name of justice and equity here in Baltimore, in our nation, and across the globe.